“Russell Crowe’s Robin Hood: A Jon Bon Jovi Music Video in Disguise”

Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood: A Target for Russell Crowe’s Critique

Hollywood icon Kevin Costner has earned accolades for his work in the Western genre, but his talent spans various genres, including action and romance. One of his notable roles was in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991), where he portrayed the legendary outlaw. Although the film was a box office hit, grossing over $390 million against a $50 million budget, it received mixed reviews, celebrated by fans but criticized by many.

Russell Crowe, who later took on the role in his own adaptation, didn’t hold back in his critique of Costner’s performance. He remarked that watching Prince of Thievesfelt like “an extended Jon Bon Jovi video,” poking fun at Costner’s flowing locks and the film’s overall aesthetic, which featured a soundtrack dominated by Bryan Adams’ iconic song, “(Everything I Do) I Do It for You.”

Crowe’s comments were striking, especially considering his own Robin Hood film was not well-received, with only 44% approval from critics and 58% from audiences on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite his scathing take, Crowe lightened the mood by naming his favorite portrayal of Robin Hood as the animated Disney fox, humorously stating, “He could actually act.”

While Crowe’s criticisms may sting, it’s worth noting that opinions on adaptations can be subjective. Fans still hold a special place for Costner’s Robin Hood, despite the film’s mixed reviews. In the end, while Crowe may have been critical, the legacy of Costner’s portrayal endures.

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